


Currently, IDESA has an R+D Department which looks for new markets and new opportunities for diversification in accordance with the global market’s current demand.  This department has managed and executed projects, principally based on the development of new products for the growing markets and the development of solutions and technology for improving manufacturing processes.

The effort that IDESA has put into R+D has gained us an advantageous position with respect to both the national and European averages. It is an active member of the first Innovation Business Group recognized by the Industrial Ministry in Asturias (Manufacturias).

Likewise, IDESA is a sponsor of IDONEAL.



IDESA’s Innovation is the development engine that improves our competitiveness and excellence in the metallurgical sector in a globalized sector and a very competitive market. The company values and prioritized innovation as a strategic line of growth and consolidation in the market.

Thanks to the collaboration with entities such as FICYT, IDEPA, CDTI and the European Commission, IDESA´s innovation activity has earned us a reputation within the main innovation entities both regionally and nationally, and even on an international level.

Development of a steel photo-bioreactor for algae growth

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Development of a steel photo-bioreactor for algae growth

Engineering services for convective heat exchanger

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Engineering services for convective heat exchanger

Engineering consultancy services for reviewing, completing and updating of the Structural Design Cri

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Engineering consultancy services for reviewing, completing and updating of the Structural Design Cri


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Joints-off "applied research in new low cost jackets contruction and long life for offshore wind str

Engineering for new industrial manufacturing process for graphene-based inks by exfoliation and redu

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Engineering for new industrial manufacturing process for graphene-based inks by exfoliation and redu

Engineering, procurement and construction of new modular plant for bioplastic production

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Engineering, procurement and construction of new modular plant for bioplastic production

Financed projects

The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan details a comprehensive investment and reform agenda that seeks a just and inclusive energy transition.

The Plan, inspired by the Agenda for Change, in the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, makes it possible to provide certainty and a predictable regulatory framework, as well as to take advantage of the enormous renewable potential of our country through the development of a decarbonized, competitive and efficient energy sector, crucial to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and mitigate climate change. Promoting self-consumption and the implementation of solar photovoltaic energy, especially in the industrial environment, is a fundamental strategy to achieve these objectives.

Within the framework of this plan, IDESA FABRICATION SA (IDEFAB) has undertaken a photovoltaic installation project, which has been accepted by the incentive program linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union -NextGenerationEU-.

The project consists of the assembly of 1,375 Exiom EX460-480TC(B)-120(HC)(182)BF 480W modules, managed by six Riello 100kW three-phase inverters, as well as the supply and installation of a monitoring system.


Type of installation: Industrial without battery

Installed power: 660.00 kWp

Planned annual production: 785,574.11 kWh/year

Grid independence: 33%.

Annual reduction of CO2 emissions: 196.39 Tn/year.

Financing for this project was obtained from the Next Generation Funds within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, a project supported by the European Union.

Offshore Floating Platforms for Green Hydrogen Production and Large-Scale Storage

The HYDROSTORE project presents an integrated solution for the production and storage of green hydrogen, using a floating offshore wind turbine platform. This unique hexagonal concrete structure supports large turbines (15-22 MW) and houses all the necessary equipment for hydrogen generation, including large-scale storage within its inner cells. Key benefits include integrated production and storage, reduced CAPEX by up to 50% and at 40% OPEX, the platform can be operational in just 1-2 weeks.

It is currently in its early development phase, namely at TRL2, where the technology concept is formulated. While the TRIWIND-HEX platform is at TRL4, with design and computational studies completed for 15-22 MW turbines, its application for integrated hydrogen production and storage is still at a conceptual stage. The objective is to advance the technology to TRL4, completing the basic research phase to validate the concept in a laboratory environment. The focus will be on adapting the platform for large-scale hydrogen storage within its internal cells, ensuring safety and maintaining the overall functionality of the platform.


New technologies for the generation and safety of green hydrogen plants

The general objective of the ATMOSPHERE project is to contribute to the promotion of the use of green hydrogen, thanks to the research of new technologies that allow to optimize and diversify the use of such a promising technology for the production of green H2 as the high temperature electrolysis with solid oxide. IDESA´s participation in this project has as scope the investigation of a medium-high pressure H2 storage system in metallic tanks, meeting the challenges around the embrittlement of steels in the presence of H2, eliminating leaks in connections, as well as defining an optimal transportable and modular design, reducing the costs associated with the design and manufacture of this type of equipment.


For the execution of this project, funding has been obtained from the Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) within the call for the year 2022 of the procedure for granting aid for the “Science and Innovation Missions Program”, of the State Program to Catalyze Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Likewise, for the execution of the project, an additional complementary incentive has been obtained from the Technological Corporation of Andalusia.


Research into new products

The project aims to research and analyse the behaviour of base materials for new products. The project is oriented towards storage systems for the energy sector, specifically renewable energies. The research of this type of products is very important for the reduction of the carbon footprint in the industry. Therefore, the aim of this project is to research and analyse the behaviour of the base materials of new products under service conditions.

Adaptation and expansion of production process capacities to improve in-plant productivity of new energy sources.

The aim of this project is to adapt and expand the capacities of the production process in our workshop, equipping it with systems for the movement of parts - overhead cranes, trolleys, motorised tables and rocker arms - and to optimise the welding process, with the acquisition of new welding systems, so that new equipment can be manufactured from new clean energy sources.


IDESA participates in the project "Hydrogen Hub Asturias: Research for a differential scientific facility to boost the green hydrogen value chain".

The general objective of the project is the research and development of technologies related to the entire hydrogen value chain, from its generation to its use, including the transport, storage or recovery of gas from industrial streams. These technologies will be conceptualised in test equipment that will enable the creation of a scientific infrastructure of reference, at regional and national level, for the development of future R&D&I activities related to the generation and use of green hydrogen in the industrial environment.

This project has been subsidised by the European Union - Next Generation EU through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism and by the Regional Ministry of Science, Innovation and University of the Principality of Asturias with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, within the framework of the call for subsidies to consortia made up of different agents of the Asturian science and technology system, for the development of R&D&I projects in the Area of Energy and Renewable Hydrogen for the period 2021 to 2025.


The purpose of IDESA TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH CENTRE SLU is the development of digital transformation in critical processes of our production process, such as the Supply Chain department and the welding activity. In addition, the development of transversal actions to improve the security of the company´s information in the face of the implementation of different activities of digital transformation of the company.


The purpose of IDESA TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH CENTRE SLU is the research of new technologies that allow the optimisation of the design of key components in plant installations in the energy sector.

The purpose of IDESA TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH CENTRE SLU is to continue improving the results of the activity by promoting applied innovation in the industrial and energy sectors, both renewable and conventional energies, as well as all ancillary or complementary activities.

The technological company IDESA TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH CENTRE S.L.U. aims to improve the results of the activity by promoting innovation, technological development, knowledge management and applied research in the industrial and energy sectors, both renewable and conventional energies, as well as all auxiliary or complementary activities.


PENELOPE. Closed-loop digital pipeline for a flexible and modular manufacturing of large components

PENELOPE proposes a novel methodology linking product-centric data management and closed-loop digital production planning and scheduling to ensure accurate and precise manufacturing from initial product design.

It is based on five pillars to develop a common methodology and vision deployed in four industry-driven pilot lines in strategic manufacturing sectors (oil and gas, shipbuilding, aeronautics and bus and coach) and with the potential for application to other sectors. In addition, a pan-European network of learning factories and showrooms will be created, providing training and upskilling capabilities to enable the transition of the workforce towards Industry 4.0 and general-purpose testbeds to aid industry adoption.

This project is expected to greatly enhance the competitiveness of the EU manufacturing sector by increasing production output, quality and precision, while ensuring worker safety and resource efficiency.


Automation and optimisation of the production process to improve the operational management and productivity of the plant.

 Improvement of productivity and optimization of IDESA´s production process through a higher degree of automation and control of the entire value chain. The aim is to convert IDESA´s production plant into a digital factory by implementing new technologies related to Industry 4.0 such as sensors, Big Data and IoT in the production process.



This project has the following objectives:

  • To generate a regional structure that will enable Asturias to strengthen and position itself as a benchmark in the field of renewable hydrogen based on its research fabric. To this end, a diagnosis of the region´s positioning in the field of renewable hydrogen technology will be carried out, based on both technological and non-technological aspects.
  • To enable and reinforce the capacity of Asturian industry to access a new and potential market niche such as the production, storage and use of renewable hydrogen. Therewith, a technological roadmap will be established to define a regional strategy to be followed in relation to hydrogen technologies, aligned in turn with national and European agendas, based on the region´s capabilities (economic, social, technological and industrial).
  • Facilitate the introduction of hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source in the new regional energy model.
  • Study of materials and engineering in the field of hydrogen and its relationship with the value chain, through the development of an empirical test, at laboratory level, on the analysis of the behaviour of steel in the presence of hydrogen and its application in service.



Production planning by means of optimisation algorithms and automatic learning.

The project consists of automating the process from the collection of data from the industrial company´s systems to the creation of a query API that allows predictions of times and related costs for industrial processes to be made. Important Asturian companies and  METAINDUSTRY4 cluster are participating in the project, thanks to funding from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism through the programme of aid for Innovative Business Groups.


Development of a fully automated NARROW GAP (narrow joint) submerged arc welding installation using sensors and communication software to allow remote control of the installation. Also the study of the process parameters for depositing a single pass per layer (solution of higher theoretical productivity) ensuring the quality of joints at full penetration, with full penetration of the weld sean of full penetration joints in structural steels for pressure applications.


Implementation of savings measures, energy diversification and efficiency, installation of LED lightings outside IDEFAB.

Changing the installation consists of replacing the current lighting system with a conventional system of luminaires, with an LED system, which means the energy efficiency of the outdoor lighting system.


Implementation of savings measures, energy diversification and efficiency, replacement of a compressor

Purchase of an ATLAS COPCO OIL INJECTION SCREW COMPRESSOR from Atlas Copco, model GA75 L VSD+ with increased energy efficiency to replace an existing compressor


Design and development of an advanced data analysis platform for non-serial production planning in industrial companies (PALADÍN)

The main objective of this project is the design and development of a prototype of an advanced data analysis platform, based on automatic learning models built automatically (autoML), which enables the planning of non-serial production in industrial companies and allows the identification of possible ways of improvement to plan these production processes in an optimal way.



Study of the distortions caused by the hardfacing process of head (semielliptical 2:1 and semi-spherical) and shell with different diameters, thicknesses, and number of layers of deposited hardfacing material, using numerical simulation techniques. The objective of this study is to know in advance the distortions that will allow IDESA´s welding personnel to make decisions regarding the sequence of execution of the hardfacing and the adjustment of the process parameters to minimize distortions.

Software solution capable of tracking the welding activities carried out on the equipment. (WELDINGMATE)

Development of software that can be integrated into the company´s ERP, and which carries out traceability of welding procedures, from the materials used, through the welders involved and the processes that are carried out, to the traceability of non-destructive tests carried out on the welds and equipment (visual inspection, penetrating liquids, magnetic particle inspection, ultrasounds...). This software is linked to the task system and the planning system included in the ERP, as well as other programs, such as the TWI (welding) and Nubia (quality).


Application of artificial intelligence for planning production in the metal industry

The objective is the design and development the software of advanced data analysis, it is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, which facilitate the planning of production in the field of industrial companies, and it allow to identify the possible parties the improvement of productive services optimally.


IDESA - Development of iot system for obtainment and explotation of welding process data in heavy boilermaking (iot-sol)

The objective of this process is the development of a system refer about Internet of Things, it has to be capacity for extract the information that it is given for the equipment in the differents points for productive process, for the analysis and explotation.



Installation of an Internet of Things platform (IoT) integrated within the LED lighting system allowing the location of any equipment due to the connectivity between the intelligent sensors and the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) labels installed to know the location of the equipment thanks to the connectivity between the smart sensors and the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) tags installed to know the location of the equipment or products in the workshops of IDESA, IDESA ENERGY, IDEFAB.



IDESA - Developed Project: SOLDABOT

Development of a robotic welding project for the petrochemical sector. Analysis of new welding technologies to make the joints by welding of these connections, flange-ferrule s of pressure equipment, and ultimately robotization / automation of the productive system centered on multi-pass welds big thickness. 


Developed Project: IDEsec – Algorithms applied research in identifying anomalies in activity patterns of work in cofined spaces.

The IDEsec project aims to investigate in a new algorithm of signal processing that can help predict and anticipate critical situations that could occur in heavyweight and metalworking industry inside confined spaces of pressure equipment.

The project has been co-financed by: 


Objective: Modeling, design and laboratory validation of a small-scale model of a new OWC system. It will be necessary to study hydrodynamic performance in terms of energy conversion efficiency, as well as engineering and control of the new valve system. 

The project was co-financed by: 

TERRA Project: New concept of thermosolar plant with open receiver tower

TERRA Project places as main goal the design and development of a new generation of central receiver solar plant more competitive, more efficient and more stable, consolidating the position of Spain as leader in thermosolar technology at international level.
IDESA participation is centered in the development of new models of storage tanks, volumetric receiver and regenerators.

The project was co-financed by: 



MICO2NACAR project aims to the adaptation, development and start-up of a microalgae cultivation system, extraction and nanoencapsulation of high-added value compounds of microalgal origin. More precisely, one of the main goals in the project consists on the adaptation, development and start-up of a modular and portable photobioreactor (based on its patent WO2013132117), for the cultivation of microalgae dedicated to human consumption, along with an supercritical CO2 extraction system of extracts of microalgae origin, in this case, extraction of fatty acids omega-3 to be subsequently micro and/or nanoencapsulated. This equipment will be modular and easily applicable into the food industry.



The main objective of the Project is to develop a process that allows the use of CO2 present in the resulting gases from the combustion of natural gas during normal operation in a combined cycle plant for prevention and control of macrofouling produced at the cooling systems. In this way, it is avoided the use of derived compounds from chlorine while avoiding CO2 emissions into atmosphere. 



Development of a demostration olant of cogeneration from biomass in the form of complete pacas of forest waste.

The LIFE BIOBALE project has been funded by the European Commission through the Life + Program.

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